Hazardous area Ex d fundamentals

In a hazardous area environment where you have Ex d equipment installed, it’s important to understand a few fundamentals of this equipment’s protection level.

Ex d equipment is generally made from robust materials such as alloys and has numerous threads or bolts to secure the lid.  This design gives you a clue as to the intent of the enclosure and how it contains an internal explosion.

Why and how is equipment that is suitable to be installed in zone 1 environment yet safe to contain an explosion. The Ex d enclosures due to their design do not prevent the entry of flammable gases and vapors, with the rise and fall of temperatures this causes the enclosure to expand and contract giving rise to the Ex d enclosure “breathing” external atmospheric gasses that are present. The internal equipment provides the ignition and we have an explosion under the right conditions. The Ex d enclosure during an explosion when installed and maintained correctly will not have energy to ignite the external atmosphere. There are additional precautions that must be taken when installing Ex d equipment, firstly cable entering the enclosure should be potted, secondly no damage to the flameproof join, thirdly the appropriate selection of the Ex d enclosure for the gas group

At Hazardous Area Solutions we are able to provide competent and trained personnel to inspect and audit equipment at your facility to identify unsafe or dangerous electrical installations.

Please contact Rob at Hazardous Area Solutions to find out more and talk to us about how we can help your business.


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