
Top industry award confirms Gordon McKay as a global safety and environmental leader

An exemplary safety record and rigorously defended environmental standards have seen Gordon McKay’s electricians fêted with one of the oil industry’s most prestigious health and safety awards. The 20-strong GMK team employed to install electrical infrastructure at the North Crude Tank Farm in Altona was selected by Jon Gibbs, President of the ExxonMobil Global Projects... Read more

‘Protect a mate. Vaccinate.’ campaign to focus on continued uptake of covid-19 vaccinations

Gordon McKay staff are being strongly encouraged to get vaccinated against COVID-19 amid the increasing positive case numbers, and with improved supply enabling mass inoculations. This week, our parent company Citywide launched its Protect a Mate. Vaccinate. advocacy campaign, encouraging the 1,300-strong workforce across the Group to roll up their sleeves for the jab. Citywide CEO Chris Campbell said it... Read more

Simple scanner saves hours of admin for electricians on Boral Cement project

A little barcode scanner that cost $250 is fuelling an efficiency revolution for the electricians at Gordon McKay, who say it will save them hundreds of hours on some of the largest electrical construction projects in Victoria and Tasmania. The handheld scanner, used with an app that creates barcodes for it, is the brainchild of... Read more

Gordon McKay subsidiary Frontline Electrical deliver wind farm program

A Frontline Electrical team is continuing to provide electrical and mechanical maintenance support to Goldwind Australia’s Cattle Hill Wind Farm Project in Tasmania. Goldwind engaged the Gordon McKay subsidiary at the start of the year to perform the electrical and mechanical installation (including commissioning) of 22 GW140/3MW Wind Turbines at the Central Highlands facility. Due... Read more

Gordon McKay & Frontline Electrical join the Citywide Group

Gordon McKay & Frontline Electrical join the Citywide Group. We are pleased to announce that Gordon McKay, including our Frontline Electrical subsidiary, have joined the Citywide Group. The sale to Citywide underwrites the continuation of the Gordon McKay and Frontline businesses in a complimentary relationship with a new owner that trades with the same values... Read more

Josh lands NECA apprentice award

FRONTLINE ELECTRICAL’s Josh Hills has been awarded the National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) Industrial Apprentice of 2020. Josh is a valued team member of the Cattle Hill Wind Farm Project, having spent the last six months of his apprenticeship working on these turbines. “I recommend him highly as one of the top apprentices that... Read more

Deakin University Excellence Awards – Kim Littras

Gordon McKay electrician Kim Littras was awarded the Godfrey Hirst Award at the Deakin University Awards night on 4th June 2020. This award is presented to the graduating student who achieves the highest honors grade in the Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honors), Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Honors), Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honors), Bachelor... Read more

Company Announcement

We take pride in sharing with you news of an exciting development for our company, its employees and our clients. We have entered into a Sale and Purchase Agreement – subject to a few Conditions Precedent – for Citywide to acquire Gordon McKay Pty Ltd, and our Tasmanian subsidiary Frontline Electrical Pty Ltd. The sale... Read more

Importance of safety during maintenance and repair tasks

Each year, a high number of workplace accidents result from maintenance and non-production tasks carried out on machinery and equipment. That’s why it’s essential to plan and supervise all maintenance, installation, decommissioning, repair, servicing, adjusting, calibrating and cleaning activities on machinery and equipment in the workplace. Typically, fatalities and injuries related to these tasks result... Read more

Hazardous area Ex d fundamentals

In a hazardous area environment where you have Ex d equipment installed, it’s important to understand a few fundamentals of this equipment’s protection level. Ex d equipment is generally made from robust materials such as alloys and has numerous threads or bolts to secure the lid.  This design gives you a clue as to the... Read more
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Why we are trusted

We pride ourselves on our standard of work and we have the awards to prove it.

Awards Accreditations