As stated in our Health & Safety Policy our aim is to promote our business in a way that protects the safety of employees, contractors, customers and the public. To assist us in achieving our stated objectives we need to be made aware of any pre-existing injury or condition that could be exacerbated by the activities that you may be engaged in. Failure to disclose details relating to any pre-existing condition could lead to a claim for compensation being rejected by our insurer in the event of the recurrence, aggravation, acceleration or deterioration of your pre-existing condition.
The dynamic nature of electrical contracting places our employees in many and varied working environments and whilst our activities are controlled by either or all SWMs, JSEAs and Take 5s a basic understanding of our individual employee’s physical capabilities and or limitations is essential to ensure that no individual is placed into a situation that could be detrimental to their wellbeing.
To furnish us with an appreciation of those work environments that best suit your current capabilities / situation please indicate which of the following scenarios you feel that you are suitable for.
GMK is committed to the safety and well being of employees, please advise the following so we may ensure correct support in case of an emergency.
Please note: if you have answered 'yes' to questions 1 or 2 above, please ensure your Manager and key supervisors are aware of what is required to assist you.
We pride ourselves on our standard of work and we have the awards to prove it.