Shutdown electricians in Geelong & Melbourne

Shutdown and turnaround projects & instrumentation resourcing

At Gordon McKay, we understand how important it is to ensure plant shutdowns run to schedule. We have the people, experience and resources to ensure successful and cost-efficient shutdown and turnaround projects across Geelong and Melbourne.

Our experienced shutdown electrical and instrument technicians specialise in maintenance, installation, decommissioning, repair, servicing, calibrations and cleaning activities on instrumentation and equipment.

We plan and resource specialised labour required for plant and equipment shutdowns, based on the scale of the project. Our shutdown electricians and instrument technicians perform plant isolation and lock-out procedures for everything from quality assurance tests and calibrations, to instrument upgrade installations to programmable logic controllers (PLC) and distributed control systems (DCS), servicing high voltage (HV) switchgear, motor control centres (MCC), lighting, motors, safety process equipment and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems.

We understand industry-specific requirements and can supply a range of specialist technicians, including:

  • shutdown instrument, electrical and dual trade technicians
  • hazardous area electricians
  • onsite electrical contractors
  • project and contract managers and supervisors
  • electrical and instrument equipment specialists
  • high voltage installation technicians
  • recipient in charge (RIC)
  • electrical data analysts
  • electrical and instrument testing and calibration equipment specialists.

Safety is our watchword at Gordon McKay. Our Integrated Management System and safe systems ensure all personnel are safe in the tasks they perform. We can provide Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS), Job Safety Environment Assessments (JSEAs) and Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) for shutdowns and instrumentation projects.

Our shutdown electricians ensure all shutdown and turnaround work is completed in compliance with AS/NZS 3000:2007, and hazardous area installations comply with AS/NZS60079.14. Gordon McKay is also licensed to perform high risk work using elevated work platforms (EWP).

Who we work with
Why we are trusted

We pride ourselves on our standard of work and we have the awards to prove it.

Awards Accreditations